Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Realidade virtual nos negócios – Exemplos práticos!

No post anterior, incluímos algumas aplicações de Realidade Virtual nos Negócios e você pôde compreender importantes aplicações que algumas empresas pioneiras estão realizando.

Nesta nova mensagem, vamos apresentar algumas outras opções de aplicações com esta fantástica tecnologia.

Feira de Eventos – Repsol
No congresso de EAGE Madrid 2015, a empresa Repsol lançou, em parceria com Oculus Rift e Estudiofuture, uma demonstração para os clientes de um tour virtual para uma viagem de helicóptero para uma plataforma de extração de petróleo em alto mar. Os convidados tinham a possibilidade de explorar toda a plataforma e buscar itens escondidos. Precisa dizer que tinha uma fila enorme para poder participar da demonstração?

Voce pode checar o tour no link abaixo:

Cartão de negócios
Já imaginou ter um cartão de negócios com realidade aumentada? Um cartão tradicional de um lado e de outro que contém uma pequena mensagem de vídeo? A empresa inglesa Laboratory4 criou uma demonstração que pode ser vista no vídeo abaixo:

Sage Realty Co. está usando a aplicação (Oculus Development kit + Samsung Gear VR) para apresentar aos potenciais compradores uma demonstração do escritório que será erguido em Nova York. A companhia acredita que influenciará na escolha de compra dos clientes.

Na foto abaixo dá para ter uma noção de como é apresentado:


Friday, October 23, 2015

Virtual Reality Predicts Alzheimer's Disease

A study suggests that Alzheimer's disease could be detected decades before its onset using a virtual reality test. The applications of virtual reality are endless; research is just starting to uncover the extent of its applications. See more here for additional details!

Tesla going Skynet – Machines are coming!

Last week Tesla introduced its own genre of self driven cars by upgrading its firmware to Tesla Version 7.0. Now, the model X and model S are empowered to drive by themselves. The cars are now enabled to change lanes, alter speed based on the traffic ahead and brake to stop or re-accelerate. The software is still in the beta phase and thus, requires the driver to be engaged while in the auto pilot mode.

The question is who will be the first in this race of bringing an affordable autonomous car to the market – Google or Tesla? The rate at which Tesla is improvising its electric cars my money is on Tesla!

See here for more!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

La réalité virtuelle, est-ce le future du sexe?

A thought: Au fil des années la pornographie a énormément évoluée; des magazines et cassettes vidéo aux vidéos accessibles sur Internet souvent gratuitement. Si la réalité virtuelle est le futur du porno quel sera l’impact sur les réactions sexuelles dans le monde réel?

Virtual Reality in the Office – No More Death by PowerPoint!

How many hours have we spent fighting boredom and sleepiness during one of those tedious PowerPoint presentations? Sadly, it doesn't matter if the subject is related to training or demonstrating the latest features of a product - the result of such non-engaging presentations is a lack of information retention and overall attention. 

Fortunately, from the mining to the automotive sectors, there are dozens of innovative companies that are applying virtual reality applications within their training, prototype designing and even production processes! The most amazing accept of this trend is that it doesn't only make such processes more interesting to employees, but it's ultimately also cheaper and faster for the companies themselves! Taking this into account, the principal challenge in the years ahead will be to continue demonstrating how VR can be applied as a cost rationalization tool. 

Let's check out some of the pioneering companies implementing these VR technologies. As former employees, we are eager to be a part of a more engaging work environment. Hopefully these examples motivate other companies to discover the incredible opportunities that virtual reality has to offer!
                                                                      Coal Services

CS Mines Rescue is an Australian company that uses virtual reality technology to train miners and rescue teams. The VR-based training facility can fit 30 people and, using multiple projectors, create a 360° 3D image that offers a real-life view of being inside a mine. In this training, employees learn mining methods while safety crews run drills for hazardous situations.



In the immersion lab of Ford Motor Company, new car prototypes are evaluated by thousands of design and quality criteria - through virtual reality.  The innovative system enables engineers to interact with automobiles from the literal perspective of a future potential customer. Furthermore, the technology allows designers from around the world to assess and rate the vehicle simultaneously in real time. 

What do you think about these technologies? Leave us a comment in the box below!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Next Generation Gaming: From Smart Phones to Goggles

Over the last 7 years we have seen a huge surge in smartphone gaming development as a result of intensive investments in these devices'  operating systems. Essentially, this was so successful because Android (Google) and Apple created a platform on which game developers could produce fun and interesting applications, and the ensuing stiff competition to create the best products (and make the most money) resulted in the the production of the best games possible. 

We now see this same situation occurring within the development of the most advanced entertainment systems on the market - virtual reality gaming. The major difference is that instead of using our smart phones to virtually throw birds at piles of rocks, we'll wear interactive goggles that enable us to truly see and feel the sensation of flying through a desert canyon, fighting Galactic Empire clones and slam dunking a pass from our pal Michael Jordan. Of all of the VR platforms that we've seen arise in the last few years, the manufacturers that seem to hold the most potential are Valve, Sony, Microsoft, Oculus (Facebook), Samsung, Google and Razer. 

All of these companies are betting hard on this technology - they all recognize that it has the potential to revolutionize the way we play games. And with a gaming industry collectively valued at $91.5 billion, it's no surprise that they're hoping to carve a nicely-sliced piece of that pie for themselves. 

What will matter most at the end of the day, however, is what type of games we - the consumers - want to play. While everyone will have their own opinion on the subject, we've gone ahead and researched a couple of the games which have the potential to be particularly exciting and successful. 

Formula 1

Can you imagine driving a Formula 1 car from the comfort of your home? Picture the feeling of speeding around a track at 300 km/h, turning your head to the right and seeing Fernando Alonso in the car you are just passing recede into the rearview mirror. Amazing, right? Formula 1 virtual gaming promises to deliver an adrenaline-pumping experience unlike any other. 

Silent Hills

Are you that guy/girl who loves the sensation of being afraid? If so, the Silent Hills virtual reality experience is THE game for you. We've checked this out - there is no creepier game on the market. The fear factor is far above that felt at the movie theatre - with VR goggles on you are actually hearing the noises around you, looking around the corner and feeling the ever-present danger. Check out the video below to see what it's like to step into the darkness.  

Assassin's Creed

The Assassin's Creed saga is one of the most successful in the recent history of video games, and is definitely going to be one of the most widely-anticipated VR release. Loyal followers will now have the opportunity to look around and see the historical monuments, the carnage of battle and the intrigue classic to the series. We won't have to use a TV screen or read a book to participate in the French Revolution in Paris anymore.

What games excite you the most? Do you agree with our assessment? Tell us what you think in the comments below!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Healthcare - it's Virtually Improving!

We've now covered the application of virtual reality technologies in journalism, education and gaming, but did you know that VR has also been used in the healthcare sector for more than 20 years? 

As previously mentioned global enthusiasm for virtual games crashed back in the 90's as a result of poor graphics development. To the relief of gamers worldwide, the movement has been revived more recently, particularly with Facebook's $2 billion acquisition of Oculus. Despite such gains, however, it's quite clear that VR hasn't been popularized on the mass market - that is, we're not seeing it in our homes or shopping malls just yet. 

On the contrary, however, new developments and research in VR healthcare have been going strong for many years. Here are the four main trends in which it has been conducted:  
  • Educational applications teaching anatomy, allowing students and doctors to watch, simulate and actually perform surgeries on virtual (and sometimes real) patients.
  • Virtual exposure therapies used by psychologists to treat phobias, cognitive impairments, phantom pains and addictions, and apps that isolate and distract patients under anesthetic during a surgery.
  • Preventative applications, including workout programs, relaxation games and even simulators that demonstrate the consequences of unhealthy lifestyles.
  • Inclusive applications that seek to improve the mental welfare of disabled and homebound people.
Let’s have a closer look at some of the most promising VR projects within each of these areas:

Bravemind by VBI is an application simulating battle conditions in Iraq and Afganistan in order to help soldiers recover from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Physiotherapists use the app to force patients to gradually face scenes similar to those that caused stress in the past, but in a safe and controlled environment. Veterans are then able to analyze and reevaluate these situations, lowering their anxiety levels. VBI also has applications for treating mental blocks and phobias associated with public speaking, heights and elevators, flying, bridges, storms as well as alcohol and tobacco addictions. 

ICAROS is a fitness device prototype which allows users to train their bodies while simulating a flying experience. The machine's unique feature is that it enables users to experience the full spectrum of emotions by moving the entire body, eliminating the fear of falling that is associate with similar, more traditional games controlled by eyes and/or a remote controller. 

DEEP is an application used to stimulate relaxation through meditative breathing. Yes, the game is controlled by breathing in and out! DEEP comes with a custom controller that is wrapped over the player’s chest and measures diaphragm expansions in order to sense and improve deep breathing. Check out a great video of the application here

Eye Play the Piano is another breathtaking project realized by Fove. The technology allows disabled children to play the piano through an eye-controlled interface. The user chooses the notes by looking at them and blinking, and the information is transferred to the piano which actually plays the notes.  

As you can see, VR offers numerous possibilities to improve multiple health conditions. Studies show that VR can even help a paralyzed person to walk without physical walking aid devices! The principal hurdle currently facing the industry is insufficient funding. Several companies are undergoing series of crowdfunding, while others try to attract more traditional investors. Let's hope that these initiatives receive the financial seeding they deserve to help them truly take off! 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens – The Era of Holographic Computing is Here

This year when Microsoft finally announced the launch of virtual reality compatible Windows 10 we, along with the rest of the world, were struck with awe. The program had been long awaited by fans all over the world. Windows Holographic is a mixed reality operating system that transforms the local environment of the user into a virtual reality. This means that the next time you bring a windows holographic enabled system home; your home can transform into Hogwarts, Disneyland or even a board room.

Along with the Holographic OS, Microsoft also developed its own range of smart glass lens similar to preexisting products on the market like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The new product, the HoloLens, is a wireless headset without any external cameras. The set has multiple gyroscopes and accelerometers that help it to register the slightest movement made by a user's head - check out the picture to the right.

Windows 10 has a lot of applications designed to be used with the HoloLens, including virtual versions of Skype and the popular game Minecraft, Holostudio, a 3D designing software which can be used in sync with 3D printers and Onsight, a VR application that explores space. 

We're particularly excited by the HoloLens. In the video below, you can see how the system might become an integrated part of our lives, moving all applications from desktops to drawing room halls. As a result, game developers around the world have begun  developing holographic games which we should expect to see in stores sometime next year. 

With Microsoft lending its formidable capabilities to the VR technology trend, we can expect virtual reality to meld into mainstream households sooner than most of us would have imagined.

Now we're eagerly awaiting the day when Cortana (for all those Halo lovers out there) becomes a life-sized holographic assistant!